Products Lines

Linea Granulari

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Rocket is a NP compound fertilizer specially designed to produce a marked starter effect on sowed or transplanted crops. This effect is particularly evident when the product is applied by the microgranulator, at the same time of sowing or transplanting. Rocket is a very easy-to-apply mini-granule fertilizer (0.5-1.2 mm), dust free, which is suitable for spreading through micro-granulator machineries, granting localized application on seed drills. The high content of Phosphorus in synergy with Zinc, allow rocket to help the fast development of the roots system stimulating strongly the starting development of the cultivations. If the overcoming of the starting growth-phase or of the crisis of transplanting is very fast, the following vegetative-productive development of the plant will be better. Zinc mainly contributes in intensifying such effects on crops sensitive to its deficiency, (maize, sugar beet, rice, tomato, onion), even in low fertility, water supply or cold soils conditions. The dimension of the granules (that develop a surface 5 times greater when they come in contact with the soil respect to traditional granules) assures the right and total use of nutrients by crops.